Calling the Writers & Teachers! (a ministry opportunity for you this summer)

This Sunday we're going to be talking about how the Holy Spirit empowers people for ministry. There is a very cool example of this in Exodus 35 and, of course (**spoiler alert**), the connection is going to be made between that and how we are empowered by the Spirit for the ministry that we've been called to as well.

In that same vein, I want to invite you to participate in a ministry opportunity that might tap into a gifting of yours. I'm calling on all the writers and/or teachers out there to put together a short email devotional that we can share this summer. We have eight Thursdays in July and August and I'd like to offer those spaces to eight guest writers from our church family.

Do you have a devotional thought that you'd like to share? Do you have a Christ-centred piece of writing that you think will encourage others? Do you have a short study on a passage of scripture that we might find helpful? Please submit it to me (Pastor Tracy) by the end of June and I'll be choosing eight to share throughout the summer months.

I'm really looking forward to hearing from you, fully anticipating that God is speaking to His church and this will spark some great submissions from you - yes, you!

Can't wait to get reading,
Pastor Tracy


The Holy Spirit in Old Testament Ministry
Pastor Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.