Jesus is All (how very extraordinary)

This is no ordinary weekend. In fact, there is nothing ordinary about believing in Jesus. My CP1 group has been reading a very challenging book about discipleship. (The Great Omission by Dallas Willard) Every chapter reminds me of something that perhaps I take for granted in the day-to-day living of life: this life in Christ is actually extraordinary.

When you consider who He is, what He's done, what He's calling us to and what He's promised, well, it's truly extraordinary. That's what we're going to focus on this weekend. He is not just the one who can help us with our problems or give us peace in our circumstances (though He graciously does so), He is the Resurrection and the Life. The. He made a way for us that blows apart our bondages and brings dead things back to life. Real life. Abundant life. Eternal life.

So, as nice as it is to have a four-day weekend and new shoes for the season, here's a thought to fill your heart with gratitude and wonder over the next few days: Jesus is all and He invites us to live an extraordinary life through Him.

Let's celebrate His victory!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

He is I AM
"The Resurrection and The Life”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.