Thursday Faith-Builder (be inspired by Hector & Ruth!)

Part of our mission as this local church is to support global workers (missionaries) in prayer and with finances as they reach around the world with the message of Jesus. And wow, do we ever have some amazing people strategically placed for incredible kingdom impact.

Hector and Ruth Aragon are in Guatemala as an extension of the church in Canada and doing incredible things. I wanted you to get to know them a bit better in this week's email so that you can pray for their ministry, their safety, their needs and their family. I also want you to know just how excellent these folks are and why we are so happy to be able to make them part of our 2019 Missions Giving Plan. Join us as we continue to support the Aragons in Guatemala.

Check out this video... you'll get a sense for their passion for Christ, their faith, their personalities and their long obedience to their ministry calling.

Partnering in mission with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

He is I AM
"Who Do You Say That I Am?”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy finishes our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.