Core Values

Losing and Finding Identity (an essay by a grade eleven student)

As we get ready for 5th Sunday (Youth Takeover!), I was privileged to read another essay from one of our students, Vaughn. He is in grade eleven and, like the essay I shared from Sloane a few weeks ago, was also tasked with writing about his identity. Again, I was so encouraged and asked Vaughn's permission to share a few paragraphs from what he wrote.

As we get ready to finish our (In)Secure series, I can't tell you how important it is that everyone, especially the next generation, get a firm grip on who they are in Christ. Hearing how the Holy Spirit is working in our students gives me so much hope for the church!

Pastor Tracy


By Vaughn Jamieson

Identity is a series of characteristics that come together to form what a person is or is not; this is a vague definition of identity since identity can be interpreted differently depending on who you ask. My identity resides in Christianity. Christianity is a religious belief in one God. The ideologies of Christianity can be found in a series of books and letters that tell a story of God's people, called The Bible. In this world, not all Identities go hand in hand. For example, my identity clashed with my religious beliefs, and this caused my identity to fall apart; I was left with hurt and depression, but eventually, I found hope and healing through my religious identity. 

During the beginning of my tenth-grade year in high school, I met a group of roughly twenty people, who did not have faith in any religion, which they displayed in their day-to-day life. After a couple of months of building relationships and spending time with these friends, I would come to adopt their habits. During this time, I was less aware of the sins I was committing thus drifting me away from my religious identity. I was walking by sight and not by faith, essentially stopping any growth in my religious beliefs. Though I was attending church, I didn't have a desire to pursue my beliefs. I had a false sense of security and happiness that I didn't understand at the time.

In Matthew 7:24-26 it says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” (NIV Bible, Matthew 7.24-26). This passage is a metaphor for your lifestyle and identity; this is because the rock stands for Christ and the house is your identity, regardless of what is going on such as the storms in your life. As long, as you are planted firmly on the foundations of Christ and his teachings, your house won't crumble. [When I was spiritually confused], I wasn't sure where to get back into my faith. I ended up finding the Forest Fellowship Club (FF) at school through a friend. As soon as I entered the room, I felt a sense of belonging; this moment would kickstart the healing process.

As time went on, I found myself praying during my quiet times at work just telling God what was happening in my life. I found that this helped me form an identity in Christ because I was able to lean on Him by discussing my life and emotions. Other parts of healing consisted of asking questions and rebuilding my faith with what pieces I had left over. I began to think about what I was singing during worship. Digging into the lyrics, I had powerful moments where I felt comfort, love, and a strong Identity in my faith. I would also consistently write down these thoughts in a journal. Praying, worshiping, and journaling helped me grow to where I am.

As of right now, I feel as if I have a purpose and I feel happy and content in my circumstances because I know my identity in Christ is firm. I continue to seek out and build on my religious identity through the Word. My identity is planted in Christ and I choose to dig my roots into the rich Word of God. I use that to bud beautiful flowers expressing outwardly to my friends that I am not ashamed of my identity. Throughout my experiences, I learned a lot about myself and about my religion. Now is the practical application of those teachings in my life which in time can hopefully be shared with those around me. I know I have come a long way from being broken and lost, to growth and healing; I have found my Identity. From being left in the dark, finding my identity again and where I am now has been a journey that has shaped me. Without God, I would not be here today and I thank him for everything.



I Can Fight


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Taught By God (praying for love)

As we continue to work our way through Ephesians on Sunday mornings, we are looking for ways to live (chapters 4-6) like the people we have become (chapters 1-3).

We are using this lens to spotlight our core values (Connect, Learn & Engage) and something keeps coming up over and over again. Certainly, it's in Ephesians, but sometimes you start to see themes emerge in your personal study or in conversations and you start to pay special attention to what the Holy Spirit might be saying. Have you ever had that happen to you?

What I keep hearing is love. Simple, but powerful. If we try to keep the unity we've been given by Jesus, if we try to connect with others, if we try to engage with our neighbours and tell them about Jesus, but we aren't doing it in love, we're missing it. As I read in a commentary recently, "You can have all the right ‘truthing’ but if you don’t have love, it’s for nothing." That's the idea of 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, isn't it?

This really came together for me in a recent Bible In A Year reading from 1 Thessalonians 4:9. The Apostle Paul says to the church, "Now about your love for one another we do not need to write you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other."

They were taught by God to love each other? I mean, wow. That's the kind of love that we need in order to live lives that are worthy of the call we've received. (Ephesians 4:1) We need God to teach us what love looks like and how to love others well, in a way that reflects His heart for His image-bearers.

I want to connect with my church family, I want to learn to think and act like Jesus and I want to engage the world with the transforming message of the gospel. I am called to be a disciple of Jesus and let these things mark my life but always by learning what real love is from God so that I can minister with the grace given to me.

I've been challenged to pray that I would be like the church in Thessalonica and would be a student of God's love with Him as my teacher. I'll offer the same challenge to you: Would you pray with me that we would be taught by God to love each other?

In Christ,
Pastor Tracy



I Am Engaged in Mission With Jesus
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

What Did You Learn Today? (it wasn't nothing!)

For some of you, the very thought of school makes you uncomfortable. All you wanted to do was graduate grade 12 and never look back. I get it. The word “learn” often makes us think about negative experiences in a classroom setting. Maybe you associate it with bullies, academic struggles, an unreasonable teacher or just the angst of being a teenager.

Whether you loved school or wish I would stop reminding you of it, the good news is that learning isn’t limited to what we did in K-12. Learning is happening all the time. What did you learn today? Big or small, important or inconsequential, it wasn’t nothing.

Another one of our core values is LEARN. (We talked about ENGAGE last week.) I truly don’t want you to be intimidated by that word, no matter how brutal your grade eleven math teacher was. I want every member of Freedom to be excited by the idea that they are called to learn to think and act like Jesus. Each of us is enrolled in the life-long course of following Him, studying Him, imitating Him and being challenged by Him.

There isn’t an entrance exam, there are no prerequisites and you don’t have to sit in a classroom. This learning happens as you live your life surrendered to Christ and apply yourself to surrendering to His life-transforming work in you.

This learning happens as you pray and listen to the Holy Spirit. He shows you His will, reveals Jesus to you, shines light on things that need to be illuminated, convicts what needs to change and strengthens you with all the power you need to live what you have learned.

This learning happens as you read the Bible. Little by little you understand the heart and character of God. As you are exposed to wisdom and truth, your mind is renewed and your thinking changes. New thinking leads to peace and faith and finding everything you need through your knowledge of Him.

This learning happens as you walk alongside others who are also learning. As our small group went through a simple list of questions last week, we found ourselves listening to one another’s ideas and insights, asking more questions and searching for answers in the bible together (yep, we even opened Google on our phones to help us find what we were looking for!). I learned so much from their desire to know more and I hope they learned from mine, too.

Learning to think and act like Jesus is transformative. Opportunities to learn are all around you, every day. They all require a degree of intentionality and in my experience, every ounce of effort pays off in dividends.

So, what are you learning today?

Learning with you,
Pastor Tracy



I Am Learning to Be Like Jesus
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Beginning With the End in Mind (ready to engage through connecting and learning)

For the next three weeks, while still in Ephesians, we'll be talking about our core values: Connect, Learn and Engage. As we've been thinking about these values in a post-pandemic world, we realize more than ever that we connect and learn so that we can maximize our effectiveness as we engage the world with the message of the gospel. I was asked to reflect on this and write an article about the good news story of how Freedom is doing outreach. I appreciated the chance to reflect back on all that God has done, how He has taught us and led us, and the immeasurable opportunities that are still in front of us.

We'll start in Ephesians 4:1-6 on Sunday with "I Am Connected to Jesus"... but I trust this article will point your heart toward beginning these core value messages with the end in mind... sharing Christ with the world.

See you on Sunday!
Pastor Tracy


The truth is that our current efforts to engage with our community for Christ have been born out of frustration. We had run events that we heard were successful in other churches like carnivals and movie nights but didn’t see any fruit from the massive effort that these events required from our congregation. We experienced more than a little ‘holy discontent’. So, about 15 years ago, we started to shift our thinking and our efforts around outreach.

The first shift was to consider engaging with our community in ways which had the potential to build long-term relationships. Instead of events, we started an hour-long Saturday soccer league for kids. Our coaches (members of Freedom) were able to get to know the families over the course of eight weeks. Soccer led to more programs over the next dozen years: basketball clinics, group piano and guitar lessons, sewing school, knitting lessons and soccer camp, while we continued to run a full-day camp throughout the summer. We renovated the old house on our property and called it the Freedom Community Centre.

The major result of all of this was creating an excellent reputation in our community. When it came time to rezone our property, a City Councillor, whose children participated in our programs, spoke in our favour, saying that our church was ‘good for the community’. We became known as ‘the church with the volleyball courts’ or ‘the church where my kids play soccer’.

But we couldn’t deny that it wasn’t enough. We knew that we were called to be more than a community centre. Most of those who knew about our church were still far from God and we knew that, as much as they had helped us, great programs and favour in the community weren’t the Great Commission. We needed to find ways to leverage all of this goodwill and present Christ to those who needed Him.

It would be great to tell you that we’ve figured it out. We haven’t. But we know that the Holy Spirit is challenging and changing us. We continually ask ourselves why God has placed us in this neighbourhood, at this time. There is a reason and we are committed to being in His plan. 

Over the past few years, our Connections Pastor has built relationships with the Program Directors of the Community Associations in our neighbourhood. They have the staff and funding to run great, low-cost programs for families, but very little space. We have lots of space and its our joy to make it available to them for free. 

We have also asked ourselves, who has God given us in this church? Our congregation loves to give to people in need and to host others. So, we made some new connections with community organizations and began to find out how we could help in practical ways. We built a pavilion last year and made it available all week long for our neighbours to come and enjoy. The community programs use it extensively and this summer we put a team together to run a tuck shop and engage with families who were waiting during programming.

We are working to find ways to leverage what we have (great people, great location, great property) to do more than be a space for programming but to become a spiritual oasis in this neighbourhood. And while the process of learning and growing can be frustrating, seeing all that God has done and how He has strategically placed us on these 10 acres in southwest Kitchener is very good news.

Tracy Dunham



I Am Connected to Jesus
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Now What? Connect & Train! (CP groups are starting soon)

We believe that it's vital for our growth and effectiveness to be doing three things:

  • CONNECT - with God and others (don't do it alone!)

  • TRAIN - learn to be like Jesus (be equipped!)

  • IMPACT - change the world for Christ (share your faith!)

You know as well as I do that these things don't happen on their own. We have to be intentional and we have to keep checking in to make sure that we haven't stalled out in any of these areas.

Connecting Point is one of the ways that you can connect and train so that you are equipped to make an impact.

This fall our groups are running for eight weeks in October and November. They are, simply put, all going to be excellent.

Allow me to show you how to find them on our website and then take a moment to sign up for the one that works best for you connecting, training and impacting this fall.

Can't wait to dig into these with you!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

People Investing in People (it's Ray of Hope!)

Allow me to introduce you to or reacquaint you with one of our missions partners. Ray of Hope works right here in Kitchener and provides life-changing services to people in need. They demonstrate the love of Christ to those who are disadvantaged, marginalized, or troubled. Their vision is: "People investing in people. Inspiring Hope. Transforming Life." Wow - it's no wonder that we count it a privilege to partner with Ray of Hope. Their vision and ours share so much in common.

Ray of Hope works in so many different areas of our community. Specifically, they focus on:

  • Community Support

  • Refugee Support

  • Youth Justice

  • Youth Employment

  • Youth Addiction

For the past several years we have been sending a team every other month to make and serve a meal at the Ray of Hope Community Centre. This year, even as we continue to do that, we have a plan to raise funds over and above the cost of the food to be able to bless their ministry in some way at the end of the year. 

We appreciate everyone who has served with our Freedom team at Ray of Hope and invite you to get involved if you want to participate with us. (Just email Katie and let her know you're interested.)

Thank you for partnering with us as we support this great work in our community and our missions families!

See you on Sunday, 

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Bible Says Whut? Part 3
3 John

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

IMPACT. (are you ready? it's happening!)

Around here we've been thinking about impacting this community... a lot! As we gear up for the Pavilion Project and get the word out to our neighbours in Williamsburg, I'm constantly reminded that as we CONNECT and TRAIN, we can't neglect taking Jesus' message of life transformation outside of these walls to create IMPACT.

Have you made a financial commitment to invest in the Freedom Pavilion Project? We need every person to join us in this goal so that the vision can become reality and this property would take another step toward being a Life Transformation Campus. (Scroll down to see the details of how to do that.)

But, of course, it goes beyond these 10 acres and into the world beyond us. And that's why it's such a joy for us to support our missions partners. We set our missions giving goal at $20,000 for 2020 after receiving over $28,000 in 2019. Wow! I shared this plan on Sunday during the service but if you missed it, click the link below to read about it.

And we're not done yet because your generous giving to our church means that we can keep dreaming and resourcing all that God is calling us to outside of these walls even as we grow and change and become more like Christ as we do life and ministry together.

I want to encourage you to consider for yourself and your family how you can invest this year. Our sacrifices for the kingdom are never in vain and open up blessing and opportunity for His purposes that we can only imagine.

IMPACT for the kingdom!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Pray For It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.


Here's the deal: You know as well as I do that we need people in our lives. Real people, not their digital avatar. We were meant to connect because when we do, well, a lot of great things are possible.

That's the opportunity we're offering up at Connecting Point. My relationship with Christ gets deeper and more sincere when I do it with others. My ability to grow is massively stunted when I try and do it on my own. So I don't. Connecting with others is on my calendar. It happens when it's cold and rainy, it happens when I've had an exhausting day, it happens when I'm celebrating a victory, it happens because I know I can't develop in my discipleship without it.

Two of our core values at Freedom are CONNECTING AND TRAINING: Building real relationships with God and others and learning to think and act like Jesus. Connecting Point was created as a great option to do both.

Here's what's happening at Connecting Point that might get you started, or be the 'what's next' for you this year. I'll be there - join me!


This group will focus on building Christ-centred marriages.


This study is a deep-dive into the gospel of John with relevant application from the life and teaching of Jesus. (Purchase a book at the NEXT Centre.)


We have planners, calendars, and to-do lists to help us organize our business and social lives. This study is all about organizing the other side of our lives—the spiritual side. (Purchase a book at the NEXT Centre or on Amazon.)


This group is for women who want to go deeper in Christ and build relationships with other women at the same time.

PLUS... we are offering everyone the chance to COME FOR DINNER before CP (sign-up online) so that you can take the stress out of getting here on time and have a chance to get to know your church family better. #winwin And, if you need childcare for Preschool or younger, please sign up online as well.

Of course, all of this information is on our website so that you can figure out if this would be a good way for you to make time to connect and train. And even if it's not this, connecting and training are core values for a reason. We believe that life in Christ gets deeper and richer when we are intentional about connecting, training and impacting.

Together in Christ,

Pastor Tracy


This Sunday we are going to start collecting pledge cards for the Welcome to Our House Pavilion Project. We need to raise another $30,000 in cash or pledges to start construction. Pray about how your family will invest in what's next at Freedom!

This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Surrender It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Are you dreaming for Freedom? (well, I am!)

I can't count the number of days I've driven up the church driveway and shaken my head in disbelief as I looked over our whole 10 acre property. It's just so amazing. It's ours because a generation ago there was a group of people (just like us) who had a vision to reach even more people in Kitchener with the life-transforming message of of the gospel. There is so much space, so much life, and so much to dream about that I haven't gotten used to that view even more than a decade after I came to Freedom.

Our church isn't big or famous, but we've worked hard to be well known in our community and be about more than just us. We've also worked hard to focus our efforts on things that will truly matter for eternity - making disciples. We've focused on connecting with God, choosing to be in community with one another, learning to think and act like Jesus and changing the world around us for HIm.

But, of course, we're far from feeling like we're done. We know that in some ways we're just getting started. We're as committed as ever to staying in step with the Spirit and He is always ready to move, to transform hearts, to draw people to Christ and to guide us in everything we do.

When we talk about what's next, when we spend many hours over many months developing the Pavilion Project, when we explore new ideas for Connecting Point groups, when we create new resources... or whatever else we're doing, I get excited. Why? The plan that God has for us is stunning and we get to be right in the middle of it and it's totally amazing.

Doing this kingdom-based life together is an adventure like no other. If you haven't already, jump right in, get invested and see what God might have for you as an irreplaceable part of the body of Christ.

And I hope to see you on Sunday night at 6:30 for our Pavilion Q&A. We're getting ready to make a significant financial commitment to this project as a church and we want to hear from you and link arms together as we go forward.

So glad we're together for this adventure!

Pastor Tracy

40x50 shed no trees copy.jpg

This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Tame It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Devoted: Making An Impact

As Pastor Tracy mentoned on Sunday, here are some great ideas from Timothy Keller’s book Center Church of how you can make an impact for Christ in ways that are organic, relational, Word deploying (bringing the Bible and gospel into connection with people’s lives) and active (each person assumes personal responsibility to share Christ).

  • Jerry is asked by his work colleague Bill how his weekend went. Jerry relates that he went on a men’s retreat that provided spiritual resources for forgiving people who have wronged us over the years. When Bill raises his eyebrows and says, “That’s interesting,” Jerry takes a small plunge and mentions that the thing that helped him most was the idea that even though he has not given God his due, God offers him forgiveness through Jesus.

  • Dan and Jill help their two sons, ages five and seven, with Scripture memorization and teach them a simple catechism. They field the boys’ questions and help them understand the meaning of the texts they are studying.

  • Sally gets to knows a young woman named Clara at church. Clara confides that she and her husband are having marriage problems and he isn’t willing to go to a counsellor. Sally and her husband Jeff, invite Clara and Same over for a meal. Sam hits it off with Jeff. Afterward, Clara convinces Sam to meet with Jeff and Sally to talk about their marriage issues. They meet together once a month for four months, studying Ephesians 5 and several other biblical texts on marriage.

  • John comes to church with his wife, but he isn’t sure what he believes or where he stands on faith. The pastor introduces him to an elder named Tom, who begins meeting with John on occasion to read and discuss a book about basic Christianity. After two meetings, John agrees to study the gospel of Mark with Tom every two or three weeks.

  • Jenny begins coming to a small group in the church. She was raised in the church but has so many doubts and questions that her group leader, Beth, begins meeting with her one-on-one. They study Bible passages and read books that address each of her questions, one after the other.

  • Ted is a young single lawyer. He knows several other lawyers who go to church with him, though they don’t work for his firm. He decides to have a Super Bowl party for several of his non-Christian colleagues and invites two Christian lawyers from church and a couple of other believers as well. The men and women from his workplace hit it off with the lawyers from church. About three months later, one of them shows up in church with one of Ted’s friends.

  • Jessica meets Teresa, a new believer, at church and invites her to work through a series of six Bible studies for new Christians (on issues such as prayer, Bible reading, the role of the church, understanding the gospel better, etc.)

  • Fred has been attending a small group for months. At one point he realizes that he assesses the value of the group strictly on what he gets out of it. He then decides to being preparing well (studying the passage) and praying for the group. When he comes, he looks for every opportunity to help the Bible study leader by making good contributions and for ways to speak the truth in love so others are encouraged and helped to grow.

  • Catherine prays for her friend Megan for months. Megan responds well to two short books on Christian subjects that Catherine has given her. She then invites Megan to an evangelistic event in which Christian truth is presented. On the way home, she fields Megan’s questions.

  • Joe has a longtime friend from college days named Pete, who is a musician. Pete’s performance anxiety is harming his career. Joe has been a sympathetic listener for some time, but finally he bluntly asks Pete to explore the Christian faith with him. “I think maybe it’s the only thing that will help you overcome your problem.” Pete is taken aback, but after a while, he expresses interest, mainly out of desperation. Joe warns him, “If Christianity is going to be any help, it will only be if you come to the belief that it is not just helpful but true.” Pete doesn’t want to go to any Christian gatherings, so they start studying the Bible together and listening to sermons and lectures and discussing them.

  • Kerrie and two other Christian friends are moms who have young kids. They decide to start a daytime moms’ group and invite non-Christian friends. For about a year, the group grows to include a similar number of Christians and nonbelievers. The conversations are general and freewheeling - covering spiritual, social, marriage, parenting, and personal issues. As time goes on, several of the nonbelievers begin to go to church with the believers and cross over the line of faith. After three years, the group is a Christian Bible study but still open and inclusive toward a few non-believers who come regularly.

  • Jim and Cynthia are both artists who are involved in a citywide Christian artists’ fellowship based in their local church. The fellowship typically includes a discussion of the relationship of faith to art that assumes a Christian belief, but the artists have four events a year that will be either a gallery showing or a book event in which a credible working artist talks to a general audience about how their faith relates to their art. Jim and Cynthia are diligent in bringing non-Christian artists or art appreciators to these events.

  • Greg comes to faith in Christ through a skeptics/seeker group hosted by a church. When the date for his baptism is set, he invites a number of non-Christian friends to the service and then takes them out for lunch and discusses the whole event. One friend is very moved by the experience, and Greg invites him to come back. Eventually, the friend begins coming to his small group with him.

Center Church
Copyright (C) 2012 by Redeemer City to City and Timothy J. Keller
(excerpt taken from pages 279-280)


Scheduling for Impact (getting trained-up)

On one hand, you do you. What works for me in some areas of life might not work for you.

On the other hand, I see so many people struggling in the area of scheduling, organization and productivity. They live in a constant state of worry, stress, lack of peace, fear of disappointing others and a general state of unchecked busyness. It matters a lot. Like, a lot. Why? Because this constant state of distraction will keep you day after day, season after season, locked in a place of unproductive days that don't seem to get you anywhere except even more panicked that time is flying by so quickly.

This Sunday we're going to focus in on our third core value: impacting. I probably don't have to work too hard to convince you of the value of spending your time, energy, finances and other resources on impacting the world with the message of Jesus. The hard work comes when we try and figure out how to be connected to God and others, be trained-up and make an impact when barely have the margin our lives to get a good night's sleep.

Is anyone out there tired of living in this space? I was. The noise in my head that was yelling at me about everything I needed to do or had forgotten about was getting to a critical level. It's nearly impossible to concentrate on what really matters when the busyness in my mind keeps you running, never really giving you the rest you need because you're never sure if anything is actually being accomplished.

It was in that season when I started to recognize that all that noise was drowning out the voice of the Shepherd (whose voice I was supposed to be able to recognize and follow) that I started to ask God for help.

And He did. I "stumbled" across articles and podcasts that weren't about my calendar at all but had principle that I could apply to it. I "just happened" to be in conversations where people shared how they were keeping margin in their lives and the difference that it made. I became a student of my own heart - was I able to say yes or no to the right things? Was I able to ask people to wait and trust that the time God has given me today and this week is enough?

I don't remember who said this but during this time of reshuffling my schedule in super practical ways someone said/wrote this: "God didn't given you too many things to do today." This begs two questions:

  1. What do the items on my calendar represent?

  2. Is my schedule an act of worship to God? (Or something/someone else - work, family, self, hangups?)

As we continue into this new season and keep exploring our core values as a church, these bigger questions about what busies your mind and planner can't be ignored. This is an ongoing journey for me to make my time a space of worship and not a commodity that slips through my fingers.

I'm asking myself today, how can I honour God and impact my world for Christ while accounting for the pressures of life and realities of every day living?

I'm coming back to this place day after day after day:

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.
— Matthew 6:33

Oh yeah, and I've got SO many ideas and suggestions for how to make this work practically in your life. Too many! Let's have coffee and talk about them someday. But for now...

Seeking his kingdom and his righteousness with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

"Making An Impact”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy continues in our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Dashboard Lights (getting trained-up)

This month we are looking at Acts 2:42-47 to see what some of the distinctives of the early church were and what we can learn from them. It's also where our core values come from. This church was very clearly connecting, being trained, and impacting the world around them for Christ.

With that in mind, we're going to look at the central importance of training this Sunday. Luke, the writer of Acts, says that they were devoted to it. It was that important.

So how do we do that in 2019? Among other things, we can never underestimate the power of reading, studying and applying the Word of God. We need scripture in our lives every day. No other resource is more powerful.

With that in mind, I tried something new on the YouVersion app last month. It was a devotional plan called "Beyond Blessed" and it reminded me that there are always beautiful things to learn and unlimited ways to grow in Christ. (The devotional I've linked to is called "Dashboard Lights" and I found it so insightful!) So if getting trained-up in the Word seems like a daunting task, here is a gentle reminder that wonderful resources are all around you.

I've included a few ideas for how you can get started or try something new in your journey to be trained to think and act like Jesus. The first one is the devotional that I just finished in case you'd like to give it try.

Honoured to help you train,
Pastor Tracy

YouVersion Reading Plan: Beyond Blessed

NEXT Discipleship Resources

Connecting Point

Encounters: Women of Freedom

Frontline: Men of Freedom

Redefine Youth Ministries

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy continues in our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Connecting For Real (like 'authentically' if that word wasn't a bit overworked)

These days you read a lot about things that are connected. We're reminded over and over again how we are the most connected people to ever walk the face of the earth. We practically hold everything there is to know about everything in the literal palm of our hand.

But you, like me, are probably also hearing how false all this connectivity really is when it comes to the things in life that matter. Depression and other mental illness is more and more common and people report never having felt more lonely even if their latest snap/tweet/post/pic had a record number of likes.

Here's the deal: You know as well as I do that we need people in our lives. Real people, not their digital avatar. We were meant to connect because when we do, well, a lot of great things are possible.

That's the opportunity we're offering up at Connecting Point. My relationship with Christ gets deeper and more sincere when I do it with others. My ability to grow is massively stunted when I try and do it on my own. So I don't. Connecting with others is on my calendar. It happens when it's cold and rainy, it happens when I've had an exhausting day, it happens when I'm celebrating a victory, it happens because I know I can't develop in my discipleship without it.

One of our core values at Freedom is Connecting: Building authentic relationships with God and others. Or, since 'authentic' might seem like a tired word, building real relationships. It's doesn't have to be at Connecting Point, of course. That's just a great option that we offer as a church to help you in becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ in this area.

So how are you connecting for real? Here's what's happening at Connecting Point that might get you started, or be the 'what's next' for you this fall. I'll be there - join me!

This group will focus on having peace and freedom in your finances by finding out what biblical principles we can learn and apply when it comes to money.

This study is a deep-dive into the gospel of John with relevant application from the life and teaching of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit is a vital part of our life in Christ. This course walks you step by step through the basics of what the Bible teaches us about the Holy Spirit and how He makes life transformation possible. (Will include a podcast/video component that includes group members.)

Provides parents with the tools they need to help their children develop self-discipline, cooperation and problem-solving skills. (Registration is required.)

PLUS... we are offering everyone the chance to come for dinner before CP so that you can take the stress out of getting here on time and have a chance to get to know your church family better. #winwin

Of course, all of this information is on our website so that you can figure out if this would be a good way for you to make time to connect, for real. And even if it's not this, connecting is a core value for a reason. We believe that life in Christ gets deeper and richer when we pursue real relationships with God and one another.

Together in Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy launches our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.