In The School of Prayer (devotional thoughts from Andrew Murray)


As I mentioned on Sunday, one of the best known authors on prayer is Andrew Murray. I wanted to share some thoughts from a great devotional book with excerpts of his writings that I received several years ago called "Power in Prayer". It's a little hard to find in print these days but here are some thoughts for your week as you consider the posture of your heart in prayer.


"The first thing the Lord teaches His disciples is that they must have a secret place for prayer. Jesus is our teacher in the school of prayer. He taught us at Samaria that worship is no longer confided to times and places, but that true spiritual worship is something that comes from within the spirit and life of a believer. But He still sees it as important that each one choose a location where he can daily meet with Him. That inner room, that solitary place, is Jesus' schoolroom. That spot could be anywhere. It may even change from day to day if we have to move for the sake of family or schedules, but there must be a secret place and a quiet time in which the "student" places himself in the Master's presence to be prepared by Him to worship the Father. Jesus comes to us in that place and teaches us to pray.

"God hides himself from the carnal eye. If in worship we are primarily occupied with our own thoughts and exercises, we will not meet Him who is Spirit. But to the one who withdraws himself from all that is of the world and the flesh and prepares to wait upon God alone, the Father will reveal himself."

Teach Me to Pray by Andrew Murray
Excerpt from Power in Prayer

Be blessed as you seek God this week,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

School of Prayer: Teach Us Surrender

We are learning to pray from the Master Himself - Jesus. He is so selfless that even in His prayer He asks for what God wants. Jesus teaches us to address God and say "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done." Does that not go without saying? Does God not always get what He wants anyway? Maybe this prayer has more to do with us then what appears on the surface? On Sunday we will unpack how our attitude and deepest desire in prayer impacts the way we pray. See you then. 

- Bjorn

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