Will we make it to spring? (Blue Monday + Stay-At-Home Order + Jesus in You)

A stay-at-home order... in the middle of winter? Not a great combo. Some of you are wondering how you're going to make it to Easter.

In fact, coming up in a few days (January 18th) is Blue Monday. It was decided that this is the most depressing day of the year (according to Google) "because of the bad weather, dark nights, post-Christmas debt and failed New Year's resolutions." Not very hopeful.

It might be fair to call this the Bluest Monday in our lifetime because the social separation we're experiencing is taking a heavy toll on our mental health.

What's the answer? Should we just try to survive until spring? What if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow on February 2nd and we have six more weeks of winter? Will we totally lose it?

The truth is, I don't know what the answer is for you. My situation is different than yours. My struggles are different than yours. My job, health, family, etc. is different that yours. I can't prescribe the antidote to Blue Monday but I can describe some things from scripture that are given to us for help in our time of trouble. I do know that God can use any circumstance to draw us close to Himself and that He is always working on our behalf as we trust in Him.

So here is my sort-of checklist for the next few months as a Christ-follower, wife, mom, and person who feels that spring can't get here fast enough:

  1. Read the Word every day. (More about this on Sunday!) Psalm 119:15-16

  2. Quiet your mind and heart for as long as you can at the start of each day (pray, journal, sit silently and listen to God for at least a few minutes) and repeat throughout the day as required. :) Psalm 131

  3. Find a point of connection with others. Eat meals with your family if you can. Go to the Connecting Point Facebook Group (instead of mindless scrolling social media) and read the thoughts an encouragements of others. Call/text/Zoom with someone. Hebrews 10:23-25

  4. Move. Walk, climb stairs, or change your environment in some way. We know that this has a powerful impact on our mood and state of mind, our ability to problem-solve and to gain perspective on the day. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  5. Set priorities for the day. Give yourself goals to work on (without needing to put on your superhero cape) that move you toward something you've always wanted to learn or be or do. Don't try to accomplish everything at once but do give yourself something to work on. Colossians 3:17, 23-24

  6. Be grateful - about everything you can be, every day, in every situation, as often as you can remember to do it. No lineup at the grocery store - I'm grateful. An encouraging email in my inbox - I'm grateful. The ability to work in sweatpants - I'm grateful. You get the idea. This will transform the inconveniences and challenges of this season in remarkable ways. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I'm working through this list daily, letting it steady my heart and quiet my mind as we walk through whatever is next. Every. Day.

This Free Your Mind series has also been helping me be acutely aware of the battle for my thoughts that is happening all the time. We have been set up for victory over these battles through Christ and I'm grateful for how the Lord has led me to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 in this season.

How about you? How has the Free Your Mind series been helping you? Are you learning something that you didn't know? Have you had a victory in a battle that you've been fighting and want to celebrate? Would you be willing to encourage others with it? We want to tell your stories on 5th Sunday at the end of January. If you can share, please do! Just click the link below and share your hope with others!

Believing with you for a life-transforming season ahead,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Weapons

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.