NEXT... Impact Leadership Training (so excited!)

According to John Maxwell, leadership is influence. By that definition, we are all leaders in some way. There are people that we influence with our lives - our friends, kids, spouse, coworkers, or family members. The question is... what will we do with that influence?

As a church, we believe that we are called to equip the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13) and we're always looking for the most effective ways to do just that.

That's why we're launching Impact Leadership Training (ILT).

Margaret, Erin and I have been working together for several months to find a way to invest in anyone who wants to develop their leadership capacity and grow in their ability to influence others. It really is that simple. No end game, no recruitment for ministries - just a place to gather with others who are also learning and growing and learn from one another. It's built to challenge you to think about what's next in your life and calling.

Maybe you're thinking, sounds great but I'm not a leader. Even if it sounds interesting, I'm sure I don't qualify. Good news! ILT is built for equipping rookies and engaging seasoned leaders alike so if you're following Jesus and your interest is piqued, you're qualified.

Are you ready for what's next? Details and FAQs are all on our website. We're getting ready to launch in a few weeks so I encourage you to click the link, read more about ILT and when you're ready, send me an email.

Can't wait to get started,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Walk Toward Your Kids

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.