Missions and Our Mission (the gospel keeps advancing)

Want to hear some good news? Our global workers are still seeing the gospel moving! Click the video link for 90 seconds of encouragement from Jeremy Feller, our mission partner in Ethiopia.

Whenever I hear from someone like Jeremy I think about my life and my mission right here in Kitchener. How can I see the gospel advance in my neighbourhood? How can my life be counted as making a difference for the kingdom?

Like Jeremy says, while we're not able to go too far from home, there are so many ways to continue to be the church that we are. As you invite someone to church online and interact with them, as you reach out to that person who has been on your mind to be a listening ear, as you financially support those who are in need, as you meet practical needs in the lives of people around you, you continue to make a statement about the grace and care and love of Christ.

We pray that this kind of effort makes a huge impact on the hearts of everyone this church reaches, that people would understand who Christ is and trust Him with their lives. We pray that every person who is discouraged or overwhelmed would learn through the encouragement of this church that He really has given us everything we need for a godly life.

How is your life on mission today?

Some of you know exactly how to answer the question, some aren't sure where to start. Here's a short list of ways to get moving in the right direction if you need some help!

  • Get on the Prayer Team (freedomkw.com/prayer)

  • Offer to help as needs arise (freedomkw.com/freedom-responds)

  • Reach out to someone you haven't heard from in a while

  • Invite someone to church and text with them during the service or have lunch with them over FaceTime afterward

  • Give - invest your finances in the work of the ministry

  • Join a CP group so you can connect with and encourage others as you learn

  • Make a meal and bring it to a family who needs a night off of making dinner

  • Really, whatever the Lord has put on your heart to do!

And that making a meal one is more than an idea, it's a plan we're working on. So many people in our lives don't need grocery pickups or financial assistance necessarily, they need a break from working from home while trying to homeschool their kids. It's a simple, beautiful way to extend hospitality in this season. Want to get involved in it? Just email Pastor Erin... and we'll talk about it more in the coming weeks.

Church, the gospel is advancing all over the world. Let's continue to commit ourselves to being a part of that advancement right here in KW.

Pastor Tracy

PS - More information about our 2020 Missions Giving Plan can be found here.

This Sunday

The Advocate
The Truth

Join us this Sunday at 10am on Facebook Live as Pastor Erin starts our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.