David + Feelings + Quarantine + You (getting emotional)

First, I want you to know that we are going to be sharing Communion on Sunday morning so be sure to have some emblems ready at home. (Any juice and crackers/bread is fine.)

Second, this has been a very emotional and tumultuous week as the world responds to anti-black racism and its implications that are brought to light with this issue. If you don't know what to say or how to respond, I'm with you. But let me say very simply that even if you aren't sure what to add to the conversation, first and foremost be a person of prayer. Pray for justice and equality for all people who are created in the image of God and pray that your own heart would be humble and repentant so that we can truly represent Christ and His Kingdom in the world. We invite you to join us for corporate prayer about this and many other things on Monday night for Deep Roots - 7:00 Worship on FB Live, 7:30 Prayer in Messenger Room.

Finally, the combination of the above two things has come as a divine setup for our service on Sunday and for the month of June. The cross is the great equalizer. No one earns their way there. No one has failed so many times that they can't make it there. We're all invited.

Isolation has done something uncomfortable to a lot of us - exposed some big feelings. Anger, frustration, anxiety, hurt, fear, loneliness and injustice to just name a few. Crisis has a way of exposing what is just under the surface, amplifying what was already there and even causing us to experience emotions we've never had before.

What do we do when we all these feelings swell up and threaten to overwhelm us? How do we respond as Christ-followers to our big emotions?

We are going to look to the life and writings of David to help us navigate through this season. Or, if what we're teaching doesn't apply to you, it may help your friend, family member, child or co-worker.

There is a way to be #inmyfeelings while trusting God and responding to Him.

Let's talk about it. And invite someone to join us.

This week: FAILURE

Can't wait until Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Iā€™m A Failure

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

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