Advent | Christ (prayers and readings for the weeks of Christmas)

And here we are, ready to celebrate Christmas, the Advent of Christ. The waiting is over and He has come. He is Immanuel, God with us.

Our plans for this week will all look a little different. We all celebrate with our own traditions and preferences. We might be making changes again this year as the pandemic continues to present challenges. But whatever you're doing, be intentional about gathering around the nativity story and the miracle of the coming of Christ because friends, it changed everything.

Here are a couple of ideas for you...

I'm so glad that we get to gather twice this week - Christmas Eve at 6pm and Sunday morning at 10am. What a beautiful season we're in.

Merry Christmas!
Pastor Tracy

PS - Take a look at our Christmas Eve page for all the information about our service, how to participate and how to invite someone to join you!

This Sunday

SEASON OF HOPE: Secure in the Future
When You See An End, He is the Beginning


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)
9:00 - Kids Church Online (Freedom Kids FB Group)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.