Turning East (finding Easer in the sunrise)

The morning I wrote this I was up early to walk my dog, Judah. We started our walk by heading north and as I looked to my right, the sky had just begun to turn pink. I said to Judah (yes, out loud), "This one is going to be pretty. We'll see it on our way home." Our walk then turned west where the sky was still very dark. You wouldn't know that it was almost morning when we started walking in that direction. About 20 minutes later, we finally made our way to the homestretch. We turned east and were met with the gorgeous sunrise the sky had hinted at.

It made me think about Easter weekend. The life and ministry of Jesus were incredible. They were full of miracles and authoritative teachings that amazed people. He brought the kingdom of heaven near and here, giving us a taste of what is to come when He makes all things new one day. But that light must have seemed all but forgotten as the story "turned west" into the dark sky of Jesus' arrest after the Last Supper and crucifixion on Good Friday. Saturday must have seemed like all hope was lost and all light had been extinguished. But that wasn't the end of the story. The light was becoming brighter and brighter in the east, it just wasn't fully visible yet.

And then Sunday came. Humanity turned east and got the first look at the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Saviour of the World, and how everything had been leading to His resurrection. We saw that death itself had been defeated and the victory had been won.

Easter is the ultimate reminder that God is at work in powerful ways, even if our lives and our stories are "pointed west" and we don't see all that He is doing. We celebrate Easter because we have full assurance that He is risen indeed and we are called to join Him in His victory.

I'm looking forward to "proclaiming His death until He comes" (1 Cor. 11:26) on Friday and worshiping the King of Kings with you on Sunday!

Pastor Tracy

Click for Easter weekend details!


FRIDAY, MARCH 29 @ 10am


SUNDAY, MARCH 31 @ 10am



10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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