Financial Update

Back-to-School for Everyone (grown-ups, too!)

I get it. Not everyone likes school. Lots of people are very glad that those days are behind them. But still, there is something so great about September. The air is crisp, the leaves are changing, and the stores are filled with fresh school supplies ready for new backpacks and pencil cases. Sigh. I get a little jealous.

I'm a little too practical to buy myself things that I don't need just because they are pretty (most of the time!). But I still like to capitalize on the burst of energy we get at the beginning of a new season even if we're not going back to school ourselves. Why not spend that capital on something that will invest in your spiritual life?

My love for this time of year is being channeled into "Back-to-School for Grown-Ups" on Sunday morning. We've got a few school supplies for the post-school crowd and an entire table full of NEXT courses for you to look through and take home. Pastor Del and Arlene will be there to help you find the right course for whatever you're looking for NEXT. It's free and it's fun and it's meant to help us use the vibe of this season to invest in something eternal.

So be ready on Sunday and be excited... We're giving you your own back-to-school moment and we can't wait to see you there.

Looking forward to what's next for us!

Pastor Tracy


The Members
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Who is Church? (welcome to our new series)

There are so many times in our lives when we need a mediator. Couples go to therapy so there is someone to mediate their communication and conflict. Parents (especially as the summer is almost over) have to mediate fights between their (bored, need-to-go-back-to-school) kids. Lawyers act as mediators between the accused and the law. Sometimes we need a go-between.

When we were in the process of adopting our kids, we had to rely on the mediation of others. We hired an adoption agency that not only facilitated the process, but went to court on our behalf as our power-of-attorney to speak for us. When there were mysterious delays, our MP would call his contact in Canadian immigration and find the source of the problem well before our agency knew there was an issue. We needed someone to advocate for us, to go right to the source, and we were powerless to do this for ourselves.

That’s where we’re starting in this new series that I’m calling “Who is Church?”

We’re starting with the foundation of understanding just how ordinary, broken, sinful people like you and me can possibly know the God of the universe and talk with Him and have Him hear us and respond to us. As miraculous as it is, the Bible actually explains how this is possible.

And looking ahead, this series is going to outline who the church is – the members, the deacons and the pastors. I hope you’ll find it helpful and deepen your understanding of how we are an expression of the body of Christ in this local church.

To start off we're going to talk about the priests this Sunday. Yep, the priests. (But we don’t have priests! I know, stick with me.) And, we're going to be gathering around the communion table together. I'm really looking forward to digging into this with you!

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

(PS - Spoiler alert... you are the priests. This is going to be good...)


The Priests
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Because He (4 minute video to check our perspective)

I was sent something that caught my attention and my heart this week and simply wanted to share it with you.

The only proper answer’s in the third person. Because He

It is only the cross of Christ that deals both with the dreadful depths of despair and the pretentious arrogance of the pride of man.
— Alistair Begg

I encourage you watch and to let this sit in your heart today as it has mine.

Because He,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Noah: Faith to Trust

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

ICYMI: Stories Worth Sharing (internet speak for "in case you missed it"!)

ICYMI (that's internet speak for "in case you missed it")... we did some really cool things in the past few weeks that we didn't want you to miss. I've highlighted in them in the March Financial Update and Vision Moment and wanted to take this devo to mention them.

We've been working on new ideas to leverage our digital presence by trying new things and investing the time and resources we need to grow our skill set. The investment is already paying off and setting us up for the future.

Find out more in the March Financial Update & Vision Moment and, yeah, ICYMI... you can watch our Stories Worth Sharing on YouTube or our socials any time!

Challenging and very exciting days are all around us. Thank you for partnering, praying, connecting with us and engaging with your neighbours. We love you, Freedom Family!

With Him and for Him,
Pastor Tracy

PS - Don't forget about Alpha! Invite someone to meet Jesus with you. It started last night but it's definitely not too late to jump in next week!

Don't forget about Alpha!
Invite someone to meet Jesus with you.

Wednesdays, April 21-June 16 on Zoom


This Sunday

Peace in a Divided World

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.