Financial Update

Being Led to the Source by the SOURCE (cause and effect)

A symptom is something that alerts you to what's happening beyond what you can see. Your sneezing can tell you that your body is allergic to pollen and is telling your immune system to fight against it. The sneezing is obvious and annoying but isn't the issue in itself. It's the way that your body tells you that something microscopic is going on.

Finding the source most often needs to be traced from something you are experiencing in some way. Which begs the question: how are the things that I'm doing and saying and feeling pointing me to something that I can't immediately see?

Of course, so much of Jesus' teaching was pointing us to see this. He told the people that if they were struggling under unbearable religious demands that they needed to get things right with God on the inside and then the outside would be put right. (Matthew 23) He told a man that his sins were forgiven before he healed his physical body. (Mark 2) He taught us that outward actions are sourced from the heart first. (Matthew 5-7)

In this Lenten season, we have the opportunity to be drawn to repentance and dependance on God in a focused way. We can do this any time of the year, of course, but Lent gathers us together and helps us to put aside the pride that we carry as we look at the example of Jesus and all that He accomplished for us in humility and submission.

It's especially beautiful because we do it together, in community. And because of that we have each other to help us and encourage us and set an example for us as we allow the Holy Spirit to trace back the symptoms to their causes. What needs to be laid down? What needs to be surrendered? What needs to be confessed? What needs to be brought out and celebrated?

I want to encourage you to submit to this process as we move toward Easter. I fully believe that a heart that is postured to listen and respond to the Spirit every day is the heart that can be transformed every day.

Jesus, transform our lives so that we can impact the world for you.

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Walk Toward Your Work

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.