Chapter 6

NEXT Episode 7 : Everything You Need - Chapter 6

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Reflection and Application

  • Q.1.    Describe your understanding of how the Holy Spirit fills you with himself.

  • Q.2.    What are some supernatural abilities the Holy Spirit provides you with in these scriptures?

  • Q.3.    Why do you think so many Christians try so hard on their own to develop their spiritual qualities? What often results from this approach

  • Q.4.    What changes for a Christian when they realize and accept the fact that the Holy Spirit is prepared to help them with everything they need and do?

  • Q.5.    How would you describe to someone who the Holy Spirit is and how he works in your life each day? Hint - Consider the eight spiritual qualities to develop and activate from the previous chapter.

  • Q.6.    What measures have you put in place to stay filled with the Holy Spirit?

  • BONUS: Read through the book of Acts