Turns Out, It's Not Too Hard (thoughts on scripture memory)

I know I surprised some folks on Sunday by reciting Colossians 1 instead of reading it. Many people commented about it after the message and I thought this might be a good moment to tell you what I've been learning about memorizing scripture over the past couple of years.

The biggest thing is this: it's not too hard.

If you are like me, you assume that scripture memory isn't something you could ever do because you're not good at memorizing things. I've changed my mind about that. It's likely easier for some than others but we're all capable of hiding God's Word in our hearts. (Psalm 119:11) Truly. At the end of the bible study I was attending in spring 2020 (yes, that spring), we were challenged to memorize scripture. This is the video tutorial that the author of the study guide, Beth Moore, shared. Maybe it was her warm, southern personality that got me but I started to believe it was possible and also realized it wasn't a race, it was something to learn to do.

The second thing is this: it requires discipline.

The reason it took me three years to be able to do this is because I wasn't consistent. I had publicly mentioned that I was working on this memorization project and that accountability (not that anyone really remembered) kept me returning to it. It wasn't hard to memorize a verse per day, which was the basic goal, but it was hard to repeat that day after day. I dropped the project many times and it was difficult to come back to because I had to re-cover the ground I had already gained and I started to wonder what "memorized" really had to mean. Maybe if I just had the gist of it? Also, let's be honest, I am a Type-A overachiever and it was the early days of COVID... I didn't really need to take on a whole book, did I? Who does that!?

And truthfully, no, the memorization of large portions of scripture is not required for your spiritual growth and maturity. You don't "level up" if you do it. But I knew in my heart that the challenge from Beth Moore was for me and when I prayed about what to memorize, Colossians came to mind over and over again. It was a step of obedience and I knew I needed to walk it out, not side-step it.

The third thing is this: it is worth it.

I have never known a passage of scripture the way I know the book of Colossians. It's hard to explain but it's in me. (Hidden in my heart, I guess!) I see parallels to it all over other parts of the Bible. And as well as I know it, I keep feeling like I've barely scratched the surface. It's like the more I know, the more I realize there is to know.

I remember the first time that I read a verse from Colossians in public - I teared up. It surprised me that there was so much emotion attached to 1:17 but that's when I started to realize that it had gotten a hold of my heart in an unexpected way.

The last thing is this: try it.

If you think scripture memory isn't for you, let me encourage you. It has been one of the core spiritual disciples for believers for hundreds and hundreds of years. True, for much of the church's history there wasn't even a printing press let alone YouVersion. But so, quick, digital access to the Word doesn't replace the countless repetitions of the God-breathed verses, chapters and books that memory work gives you. Start with a favourite verse and work on the verses around it so you'll have it in context. Google "best scriptures to memorize"... I did that when I started this project! Watch the video tutorial from Beth Moore and see how you get inspired.

I think the thing that was the final push for me to start this memorization project was when Beth said that the Holy Spirit would help me. It's His Word and He wants me to know it. Uh... of course! With that kind of help, I'm in.

I hope that sheds some light on scripture memory and that you'll consider what the Holy Spirit might be nudging you to hide in your heart this year.

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, APRIL 23 @ 10am
How Not to Follow Jesus
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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